Saturday, May 28, 2011

Choice 1: Romans 1. The Gospel of Christ is the Power of God Unto Salvation

Christ is the son of David through his "father", Joseph's line. I found this intriguing because Christ is not blood-related to Joseph, but it is possible that Mary and Joseph were closely related. So, technically, he could be a descent of David. Christ is the son of God because he was conceived by Mary and Heavenly Father. In being the heirs to both to the king (David) and to God, Christ can rightfully reign because he is ruler of all men in a religious sense and a ruler of a powerful nation in a literal sense.
It was essential for Christ to be both mortal and immortal. He needed to be able to die for our sins or else the atonement could not be complete. However, he needed the power of immortality in order to suffer for our sins in the Garden--no mortal could have ever done that. Also, the atonement needed to be a willing sacrifice. No one could take away the Savior's life except for himself. He being willing to give up his life is the ultimate sacrifice.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Choice 2: 2 Cornithians 2:1-11. Forgiveness

"If any have caused grief", the people of Corinth were commanded to forgive and comfort each other.
We receive many blessings when we forgive others. Our Heavenly Father will then forgive us as well.
If we do not forgive others, Heavenly Father may not forgive us. Also, if we do not forgive others, we may be consumed with sorrow or become more susceptible to the temptations of Satan.
I am glad that we are able to forgive each other. I know that for me, it can get a little tiresome to hold a grudge. Once I forgive, it definitely takes something off of my shoulders.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Choice 5: 1 Corinthians 10. How Christ Helps Us Overcome Sin

Jesus Christ is like a rock in many ways. He is the stone of Israel, the rock of our salvation, the rock of God, the rock of strength, a spiritual rock, the rock of our Redeemer, and the rock of Heaven. It is so important that Jesus is our rock in all things, especially when it comes to sin. Some sins that Paul talked about are lusting after evil things, idolatry, fornication, murmuring, and tempting others. Some sins today that I think of are lying, cheating, stealing, adultery, swearing, addiction, and many many others. The promise that verse thirteen gives is so reassuring when you think of all the sins that have been committed and that are still tempting us. From this verse we know that we can overcome our temptations and that God has provided a way to overcome it and escape it.

Paul described Christ as a rock in these versus, because the only way to overcome sin is by and through the atonement of Jesus Christ. If we do not look toward our Savior for a way out, then there is no other way out of temptation and sin. Reading Alma 13:38 was very enlightening concerning 1 Corinthians 10:13. In Alma it specifies the certain qualities we need to have in order to overcome our temptations--Christ's atonement isn't enough. We need to be actively working towards becoming humble, meek, submissive, patient, full of love, and all long-suffering. We must also pray continually and look continually for the hand of the Lord in our lives.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Choice 1 Acts 19-20. Proper Authority and Ministering to the People

The five priesthood ordinances that Paul performed were:
1) Baptism
2) Gift of the Holy
3) Sacrament
4) Raising the dead
5) Blessing the sick and casting out evil spirits
1. Paul baptized them and gave them the gift of the Holy Ghost because these ordinances had not been performed correctly before.
2. Concerning nonmembers who may have been baptized as infants, if you are not baptized according to the correct power, authority, and in the correct way, then it is not a correct ordinance and God does not recognize it as being correct.
3. Paul bestowed the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands.
4. The saints met on the first day of the week to break bread. According to John 20:1, this is because Jesus was resurrected on the first day of the week. The sacrament represents the completion of his sacrifice, and so this is why it is also done on the first day of the week. This is very interesting to me--I had never looked into why we partook of the sacrament on Sunday, the first day of the week. How cool!