Saturday, January 15, 2011

Parents' Responsibility Over Children

A comment was made on Friday asking how responsible we are for our children--namely the children we choose not to have. I found this to be very intriguing, and I had never thought about children in this way. The decline in birth rates has become a social trend, and is affecting our individual choices on the number of children we choose to have--or if we choose to have them at all. We tend to think that our choices don't affect others, but this is so very incorrect. Children that could have been born to good parents who love them and can provide for them are instead born into unstable families that cannot support their physical nor emotional needs. These children grow up, not properly raised, and become members of our society. They do not know how to contribute to society, and instead put a drain on society, sometimes living lives of crime, homelessness, and with an air of mistrust and defiance. Your choices are not just your own to make, especially when considering the life of another.

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