Saturday, January 29, 2011

Families Pass on More than Just Genetics

Learning about genograms was highly interesting to me. I have never heard of a genogram before, nor did I know that you could illustrate the personal relationships that occurred. Creating a genogram causes you to ponder what patterns exist in your family. Lack of control over anger has been something that I see being passed on throughout the generations of my family. My mom's grandpa had alcohol problems and anger problems. Her dad (my grandpa) also expressed anger in an explosive way, but the alcoholism problem did not persist. However, my uncles (my mom's brothers) made a conscious effort to not be like their dad and they do not have anger-controlling problems. Concerning the other side of my family, my dad struggles with controlling his temper, and I've seen the same behavior occur in all of my siblings but me. I deal with anger more like my mom does--I just cry. :) But, I've made the decision not to marry someone with anger problems. It's interesting to see what behaviors we inherit from our family and how they aren't necessarily genetic, but more nurture than nature.

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